A WILD Encounter

Join Nonie for an exciting, hands-on experience featuring live exotic animals—perfect for birthdays, classrooms, festivals, and more! In a fun, interactive one-hour presentation, she will introduce 7 live animals, sharing their natural history, behaviors, and habitats.

Most of Nonie’s animals are rescued, and she educates on responsible pet ownership, discussing which animals make good pets in an engaging and sometimes humorous way.

The presentation is highly interactive, with plenty of questions and answers to get everyone involved. Kids are asked about what they already know, often impressing the adults!

Education That’s Entertaining

Join Nonie for an engaging, adventure featuring 7 amazing animals, including a parrot, turtle, toad, tarantula, hissing cockroach, snake, and one of her fascinating mammals. While special animal requests are welcome, availability may vary. Get ready for a fun, interactive experience that’s pure EDUtainment!

Party Add-Ons

Add these a la carte items to any party!

I Ate A Bug Club

Chocolate covered cricket cluster, hand coated and mixed with fair trade dark chocolate, raised for human consumption in the USA with a custom button to keep as a memento!.

Safari Hats

Child sized plastic pith or animal print derby style party favor hats.

Goody Bug Boxes

Bug collecting boxes as party favors full of animal related trinkets and toys.

Game Leader

Nonie will play a variety of environmental education based games and supply prizes for your guests for approximately 20 minutes.

Games Include: Oh Deer! | Where’s My Baby? | Jungle Bingo | Guessing Zoo Bag | Predator, Predator, Prey!

Fun Cake

The FUN CAKE includes a crumbled chocolate cake and “worm” for each guest. For those who want to participate, the cake becomes a treat and a game as kids race and pretend to be worm-eating birds. The game is to see who will eat their realistic looking gummy worm the fastest, but there is a surprise before the race begins… thunder, lightning and…. “rain” (chocolate pudding) makes MUD! The kids bury their face in the mud and whoever finishes their worm the fastest is the winner. Spoons are offered to less adventurous guests.

FL Teachers

Engaging Animal Encounters That Educate and Inspire

“I am a science teacher and have used Nonie's Ark on several occasions (classroom instruction, summer school program, church youth retreat) to teach audiences of all ages. Nonie is by far the best wildlife educator I know. Her program offers meaningful learning experiences and personal hands-on encounters with a wide variety of animal species. Nonie engages her audiences with captivating presentations on each of her animals, their habitats and their needs. I highly recommend Nonie's Ark Animal Encounters to anyone! You will love it!!!”

— Antoinette Robinson